JQuery module not recognized by Views Slideshow module

  • Answered
I took the advice posted on an earlier Community Forum to configure the setup of my Views Slideshow by following this video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A8fPMS1Hrs
It was very detailed and useful however at the end of the day, the Views Slideshow is still not recognizing the JQuery plugin. I made the folder libraries in the public_html folder where my site is stored. However, in the tutorial, the libraries folder with the JQuery code in the document jquery.cycle.all.min.js is placed in the Drupal root site > All. Since I could not find this route on cpanel, I just placed it in the general public_html folder. Should I be placing this somewhere else so that it is recognized? The error message under the format settings refuses to go away and the only reason I can think of is that I am not placing the appropriate plugin in the correct location.
Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Hello immunoh,

Thank you for your question regarding a JQuery module not being recognized by the View slideshow module. I immediately noticed the age of the video (2.5 yeas old), and it seems to be for an older version of Drupal. This may be why the steps are not matching up.

Since there are several versions available, I recommend confirming the version you are installing is compatible with your specific version of Drupal.

Thank you,