How Do I Assign a Trial Site to My Account?

  • Answered
Loss connection while editing and now I get the message "You have created a trial site and can now assign it to your account." When I enter my account it states that the account already exist.
Hello fKANER, Thank you for your question regarding launching your trial site live.I'm not sure what you're using - it sounds like you're using the Builder, maybe? If this not within the Builder, then we need a little more information before we can try to troubleshoot the issue. In the Premium Web Builder menus You can add subdomains, but you cannot add other accounts in the Builder. Skip that whole thing about adding a new site look at the menus at the left:
  1. In the menu bar on your left, click on DESKTOP.
  2. Scroll down until you find the section labeledTASKS. Click on MANAGE YOUR SITES.
  3. You will then placed in the SITES section. Click on your site and then you will be placed in the GENERAL tab listing the current site name and owner. Click on EDIT SITE IN WIZARD in order to edit the site.
  4. I hope this helps! If you're still having issues, then please contact us with more information. If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page. Regards, Arnel C. Community Support