Tax Not Displayed in Opencart

  • Answered

when add products to shopping cart ( an openkart ecom) the tax amount is not seen on step 6, confirm order.
but in front view this is displayed
Hello Pradeepnambyan, Thanks for the question! The reason that your tax is not showing is that you need to assign it based on either your customer's shipping address or payment address. You also need to assign the tax for that region based on the localisation settings. The product should also be set to match either downloadable product/taxable goods under the Tax Class in the Data tab of the product. Once it's properly set, if a customer purchases a product and the product falls within the region and the tax class, then the calculated tax will appear in step 6. Check my test site with the option set for an iPhone sale listed as taxable goods within the state of Virginia (using Guest checkout and a tax rate of 5%): OpenCart example of Tax We actually have some articles on how to set these taxes in OpenCart: I hope this helps to clear up the issue for you! Kindest Regards, Arnel C.