Trouble Setting up Homepage Correctly

  • Answered
just started and began with experimenting on a homepage. I tried to make a simple statement "coming soon..." now when I type in my domain, I get index references. I followed your directions to edit .hta access file and the index manager but to no avail.
Hello Woodspirit, I'm sorry that you're having problems with setting up the home page. If you're working in FrontPage, you are unfortunately dealing with a very old program that is no longer even supported by Microsoft. Our hosting service can use it, but if you can update to a different and more up-to-date program, I would recommend it. However, the important thing is realizing the pages that you are creating need to be saved (or transferred) to the web server. They also need to be named a certain way. I'm not sure how you're saving the page, but in general, the web server is first looking for what we call an INDEX page. This page is normally titled (in lower case-do NOT use capital letters or spaces when naming a file) index.php, index.html, or index.htm. By default, when you register for hosting with us, there is already a web page that states "Website coming soon". This file is named "default.htm". As soon as you create an index file and save it into the PUBLIC_HTML folder, then the default.htm page is no longer active. So, if you wish to create a home page, create it and then name it "index.html" or "index.htm". That file will need to published or transferred into the PUBLIC_HTML folder. Once it's in there, then you'll be able to see the page when you type in your domain name. We would be happy to look at your hosting account for you, but your Support Center login information does not appear to relate to an account. If you can provide us more information - such as the account's domain name, then we can easily review the files that have been saved to the account and determine what's happening. The reason you are seeing the index references is because there is no "index" file in the folder. You mentioned that you had edited the .htacess file. The .htaccess file allows you to change the NAME of the index file to whatever you want using a command known as directoryindex. You can find out how to use this setting here: Where to upload your website files. If you want to try using a different website building tool, try using the Premium Website Builder program or maybe something like WordPress. Both solutions do NOT require that you understand how to program websites. We do apologize that we cannot teach you how to build a website, but we hope that we can provide guidance and recommendations that may help. Please let us know if you still require any further assistance. Regards, Arnel C.