hacker attack notice last night

  • Answered
I installed BulletProof Security which set up the .htaccess files yesterday and we got a hacker attack notice last night about 10pm pst. What's up? does Bullet proof security work? It seems to implement your advice with the .htaccess files.
Hello, and thanks for your question. Yes the WordPress BulletProof Security plugin and many other WordPress security plugins will modify your site's .htaccess file to implement their security precautions. We have our own ModSecurity rules on the servers to protect against the increase in WordPress brute force attacks. But those will typically only be triggered if you don't have your own plugin or .htaccess rules protecting your WordPress install. Are you yourself getting blocked out of your WordPress admin, or are you just receiving notice that it was detected your site was under attack? If you are interested in changing your email settings, you can hover over BPS Security in WordPress, then click on Security Log. You can also hover over BPS Security and click on Login Security to setup how many failed logins can be attempted before an account lockout and email is issued. Please let us know if you had any further questions at all. - Jacob