I cannot delete mysql database

  • Answered
because of I'm having troubles with prestashop installation, I deleted all files in server and I'm trying to repeat installation using softacoulous. The matter now is that, before starting the new installation, I should drop databases but I'm having troubles with this action; in particular I can't drop databases with prompt (I'm not really able to use it) and I can't drop database with phpmyadmin (I can just delete all the tables but not the database). May you help me maybe with a "hard reset" or something else?
Thanks in advance,
Hello Simone, Thank you for contacting us. Sorry to hear you are having trouble deleting a database. Since this is just the public forum, I cannot make any changes to your account from here. Please contact Live Tech Support for assistance with your account. This will allow you to provide account specific information in a secure setting. Thank you, John-Paul